Two of my LED lights died

It’s time to get more lights! Lighting is super-important for cameras. Our eyes are much more sensitive to light and to color balance than cameras are, and our brains auto-correct for low-light and off-balance colors. In a dim room, we can see perfectly fine, but if you tried to put it on video, it would be impossible to make things out. If you rely on your houselights for lighting, then your videos will be red and orange rather than a more natural white or blue color.

I put up white paper all around my filming area. I have lights pointing at the walls, a light pointing at the ceiling, and a light shining in the corner. This provides plenty of diffuse light to make my videos with.

I’ve been using these for over a year and they have been good:

Here’s replacement lights I am buying:

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Here’s a video I recently shot using these lights. I have my Samsung S9 as a camera. I plan to upgrade that one of these days to a more professional camera so I can control the focus and such.